"Persecution" Gives Zionists Moral Impunity
August 2, 2014

daily in Gaza, I am reminded of
when I was living in Jerusalem in Feb 1973.
Israel shot down a Libyan passenger jet.
The Israeli reaction to world condemnation
helped me decide to leave.
by Henry Makow Ph.D.
On February 21, 1973, Israel shot down a Libyan passenger jet, LN 114, bound from Tripoli to Cairo that had lost its way in a sandstorm and flew into the Sinai, occupied by Israel. The pilot, a French national, realized the error and had turned back to Cairo. 113 passengers and crew were murdered in cold blood.
At the time, I was a 23-year-old would-be immigrant, living in Kyriat Hayovel, a suburb of Jerusalem. The ensuing spectacle of crude Zionist rationalization and hand-wringing contributed to my decision to leave Israel in June.
In any normal country, guilt would have been acknowledged. The official that gave the order would have been court-martialed and compensation would have been paid. But Israelis cannot admit an error.
"The whole world is against us," my Hebrew language teacher bemoaned.
Golda Meir raised the spectacle of a Kamikaze strike on an Israeli city. Except the airliner was headed back to Cairo when it was shot down.
The Jerusalem Post said the French pilot was not licensed to fly the plane. Except it turned out he was. An American company ripped up a contract in protest. The Israelis replied it was only a tender.
The well known Israeli commentator Ephraim Kishon wrote an article under the heading: "Sorrow Yes; Apologies No"
"We are proud of our air force. And it isn't the planes we're proud of but the young engaging human faces of our pilots. And we shake the hand of that sad man, who with a lump in his throat and a pain in his stomach, gave the order which it was his duty to give...The world is bound to view us as we view ourselves, and if one apologizes, it figures one has done wrong. We should look straight into their blue eyes and tell them: under the same mysterious circumstances we shall fire on it and shoot it down again and again."
Another commentator blamed the Arabs for staining the record of the IDF "through their [Arab] inefficiency." He attributed world reaction to "anti Semitic tendencies abroad and a double standard of morality."
Finally, a third commentator rationalized that the rear engines broke lose on impact and mowed their way through the passenger compartment: "Had the plane not been a Boeing 727 with engines in rear, the disaster might not have occurred."

Israel has no monopoly on this kind of pig headed behavior. In 1988, when the US shot down an Iranian passenger jet killing 290, including 66 children, George H.W. Bush said: "I will never apologize for the United States -- I don't care what the facts are... I'm not an apologize-for-America kind of guy." But the US is controlled by the same folks as Israel.
Now, to the consternation of the world, including some Jews, Israel is committing genocide in Gaza. Why don't they pick on someone their own size? Someone who also has an air force, not pea shooters. Someone who doesn't have a blank cheque from the US Treasury.
Zionists are brainwashed to think the world is against them for no reason. That is not true. They are hated because of their deeds. Judaism is a racist creed. See the Talmud. Zionists think Arabs are subhuman.
Throughout history, Illuminati Jews have taken over, politically, culturally and economically, every country that gave them refuge, often using a Gentile traitor class of Freemasons as proxies. (See YouTube "Thanks Jews!")
Zionist Jews are an important instrument, along with Freemasonry, in the establishment by the Illuminati Jewish banking cartel of a satanic New World Order. Hitler was put into power by this cartel in order to force Jews to establish Israel and to destroy Germany.
The only way Zionist Jews (and Freemasons) can rehabilitate themselves and rejoin the human race is to renounce this role.
Afterthought: Instead of bombing Gaza, Imagine if Israel said, "We refuse to kill civilians, especially innocent women and children. We will not respond to Hamas provocations unless their firecrackers eventually cause serious casualties or devastation." If Israel took this course, Imagine the good will and respect Israel would garner, that would redound on Jews worldwide.
Anti-Jew Manifesto Puts NWO into Perspective
Robert K said (August 2, 2014):
This "incident" happened six years after another "incident" involving the Israeli air force--namely, the attack on the USS Liberty--of which your readers should also be aware.
What a revealing quote from Bush senior: "I don't care what the facts are". Is the mere possibility, much less the admitted fact, of such an attitude on the part of an American President not a good reason not to believe anything emanating from the White House?